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I will start saying I am not a writer, but a graphic artist that has loved the RoboCop and Anne Lewis characters for many years. There comes a time when fans need to stand up and leave the “Audience” seats to create their own stories, artistic depictions, to become producers and not just consumers aiming to fulfill the need to see and enjoy the material we desire to obtain and hasn’t been produced for us yet.


Everything started with a dream. Literally. RoboCop and Anne Lewis, were together in a police cruiser and the cop girl was finally confessing her feelings to her robotic partner. She was sitting on top of him and was wearing a beautiful dress, as she had probably escaped from a disastrous date with another man. That scene seemed to be part of an episode of some very cool animated series of RoboCop that don't really exist and were just a product of my subconscious mind.


After I woke up, disappointed, I got ready for work and as I was driving, I remember elaborating the rest of the episode in my mind. What were the events that eventually lead them to be together in such circumstances?
I realized that if no one had written or produced that story for me to see, I had to do it myself.

Almost immediately, I started writing the fan fiction novel and it has taken me a complete year to produce chapters and illustrations to help consolidate my concept.


I remember attending the cinema back in 1994, the RoboCop3 premiere. Although the first forty minutes of the movie were amazing to me, what followed after, shattered my heart into pieces. My favorite action heroine was killed in a PG-13 sequel. What a contradiction!


The Anne Lewis character broke paradigms back in the 80’s when the female leads of action movies were reduced to be the love interest of the hero, his weak point, the damsel in distress that would have to be rescued throughout the film, Anne Lewis is a key element in the RoboCop’s story, he would not exist or have survived without her, she rescues the male hero, not the other way around.


For years I have painfully witnessed how RoboCop’s partner has been undermined and put aside by writers that have created either comic books or TV series, where Robo stands alone, without that person that helped him regain his identity and obtain his personal revenge against those that took his human life off him. RoboCop cannot shine without the strong woman that decided to stay by his side and connect to what was left of his humanity.


Some other writers have decided to play safe and put Lewis alongside RoboCop as a grey sidekick that doesn’t do more than just help him fight crime at times. However, the biggest insult for Officer Anne Lewis was yet to come, the 2014 RoboCop remake that presented an alternate story in which Lewis’ gender was swapped. I don’t think Hollywood can humiliate this character even more after that, but hey, they can surprise us again sometime!


I decided to take three elements of the RoboCop story that have always obsessed me and merge them into my fan fiction novel.


The truncated and not very developed relationship between RoboCop and Lewis, the depths of Robo’s mind, the way he has adapted to a prosthetic body he didn’t ask for, his gruesome transition from human to cyborg and all the psychological implications of it and finally, Lewis’ death in the third film.


Although that Lewis death seems to not be acknowledged anymore as she has returned in several comic book series, no one has explained yet how she came back to life or if certain events changed for her to remain alive.


This story was created with the help of my collaborators:

My dearest friend, Christine Bou-saleh, photographer and journalist, she has been of great help with proof reading and editing texts as English is not my native language. She is the one person that has been with me since this project started.


Roman Rojano, my brother, another hardcore RoboCop fan, he has contributed with valuable ideas to develop action sequences in the story.


My friend Ezzet-Charbel Baccache, an enthusiast techie that has contributed with technical advice regarding the new technologies presented around the characters.


Enhanced Reality has been a fun ride for me, despite some bumps along the way. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.  

The fan fiction story consists basically of three parts, three small novelettes that contain separate chapters that will be disclosed here periodically.

I am currently working on part 3.


Eva Rojano

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