Rated R -Strong Language, Violence, Adult situations.
Recommended for mature audiences.

This was the image that I envisioned in my dream and inspired the enhanced reality fan fiction novel!

I created this illustration to depict an unfilmed scene originally written in the RoboCop 1987 script. Robo picks up wounded Anne after battling the Boddicker band together. This illustration was also a tribute gift for Ed Neumeier

I decided to recreate the powerful moment in which Lewis comes forward to RoboCop to let him know what his name was.

Robo resting on his chair at the laboratory. Probably reordering certain memories in his mind.

I created Robo and Lewis separately for the cover of Enhanced Reality

I created Anne Lewis separately for the cover art of Enhanced Reality

It was quite sad to see Robo carrying Lewis close to her death. In my particular universe, things didn't go that way. She is up and happy in his arms.

Who to think of? Lewis or his family? Alex Murphy is dead, therefore he cannot get his former life back.

Not many people would like to see them together. OCP defines RoboCop as a machine, a product, not as a man capable to developing an emotional bond to another human being

Although Robo would allow Lewis to slowly get close to him there will be certain restrictions she will be unaware of. For her he is the same man masked or unmasked. For him, it is a world of difference.

A tribute to Lee Sullivan's robokiss depicted in the Marvel comic books from 1992

Would being close to a mechanized man on a daily basis make her believe she is slowly becoming a machine too?

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RoboCop & Lewis Artwork Gallery