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RoboCop vs. Clarence Jr.


(Rated PG 13, Action and Violence)

"All units, disturbance at the Arms Factory...Respond...urgency level red."...Officer Lewis drops her coffee and rushes to her turbo cruiser.

Speeding off to the arms factory, wishing she had RoboCop as backup (Robo awaited parts from Japan, nothing serious, just a regular upkeep).

She thought back to the time where she and RoboCop chased Clarence and gang to the abandoned Steel Mill, before RoboCop was killed. Would the same thing happen to her?

She never let that thought hold her back, her sense of duty and dedication to the city of Detroit spurring her on.

She arrived at the arms factory and parked next to one of the many turbo cruisers...Rojano; a female officer rushed over to Lewis and briefed her on the situation...

"Security guards were overpowered, executed, single bullet to the head. Apparently whoever is in the building demands to speak to RoboCop and RoboCop only, and has a hostage, well a few… Threatens to blow the whole place up"

Lewis gives the building a once over. “RoboCop is waiting for parts, no time of arrival given. Do we have radio contact with the perp?" Officer Rojano nods and hands over a walkie talkie/phone to Lewis.

"This is Officer Lewis, what are your demands?"...."Well what do we have here?" was the response from the man in the other side..."RoboCop sounds soooo different?"...."Where's your partner?"...Lewis, trained to diffuse hostage situations, responds:

"RoboCop is out of commission, work with me here and let’s sort this out." The mysterious man gives then a surprising answer:

"You must be some great cop then...You see, RoboCop lost his life but was given another life to live...My father wasn't so fortunate...And since seeing that you're his muse, well I guess you better make sure his parts arrive soon and he gets his titanium carcass over here. NOW!”

"Your father?" Lewis replies astonished "Let the hostages go and we'll talk this out." The man says to her:

"You don't seem to understand that I am fronting the band here. Look straight ahead. See that Rocket launcher, well if your partner isn't here in the next minute, you'll be embracing the afterlife."

Lewis looks at the powerful weapon, pointed straight at her, she desperately tries to contact Metro South, no answer, she tries OCP HEADQUARTERS, no luck.

Lewis tries to contact anyone all who might avail Robo's current condition...No avail...She hears a car approaching hastily, seems to be picking up speed fast...."Well then, fun's over."

The man fires the weapon and the blast from the canon is heard as the projectile is fired....Lewis looks, frozen in time, her affinity towards RoboCop erasing what would be no way for anyone to die, she closes her eyes, awaiting the end......Explosion.....She gasps, eyes wide open....The projectile hit a turbo cruiser...The approaching car that had seemed to be intentionally driven to stop the rocket launcher.

The car was flipped into the air and hit the ground with a cacophonous thud......The driver door opened...a robotic leg stepped on the ground. "Backup is here." RoboCop approached Lewis, and he didn’t seem to be harmed in the explosion.

An immediate look of adoration on Lewis's face..."Whoever is in there wants to speak to you Murphy," said Lewis. RoboCop removed his left arm to be able to attach his gun arm.

"Let us talk then" said RoboCop, giving a nod to Lewis, she knew what was expected of him. She and Robo communicated almost telepathically at times.

RoboCop proceeded to the entrance of the arms factory, 3 thugs with his right arm and the reinforced steel door were no more....Immediately, gunshots rang out from everywhere...Robo switched to target mode and from left to right, one by one, Clarence junior's henchmen met their maker.

RoboCop’s gun arm spitting bullets at them with such accuracy, missing would have been a crime...Lewis followed RoboCop with the rest of the officers from Metro South...Clarence junior, seeing that the police were gaining way, grabbed his hostage and retreated further into the arms’ factory...Robo sensed movement on the floor atop, Clarence's men, seemed to be spread around the roof of the building.

"Lewis...pacify this level. I sense movement towards the roof." said Robo in a robotic way and proceeded to take the elevator to the highest level of the building… Lewis and the rest of the officers were making good ground in the fire fight, even though one of the officers had been fatally wounded. RoboCop approached the rooftop area.

The door to the rooftop was twice as thick as the one RoboCop punched in order to gain entry into the arms factory...He raised his gun arm and fired a rocket from it, obliterating the door.

RoboCop proceeded, only to see Clarence junior with his hostage near the edge of the building; Clarence junior pressed his weapon against the hostages head and said,

"Proceed any further and he gets it." Robo halted, gun arm immediately fixed on Clarence junior. "Who are you?" he asked troubled.

“Funny you should ask. Does it matter to you? You had a second chance in life whereas my father didn't. You took his life, now I'm ending your resurrection."

RoboCop, somewhat taken aback, repeated in a mechanical way. "Who are you?" The perp seemed way too young to be a known felon by him, a guy in his early 20’s, sharp blue eyes behind his glasses and black hair, somehow, this man reminded him of someone.

"Does the name Clarence Boddicker ring a bell? He was my father, the one I barely knew and thanks to you I will never get to fully know now!!”

RoboCop remains standing up, no reaction, suddenly, to the right of Clarence junior, from inside a waiting helicopter that had landed on the roof before this encounter, a Cobra Assault Canon was fired, blowing Robo’s arm off and making him drop on the ground.

Robo was losing power fast. He managed to get on his feet again and was hit with another round from the Cobra Assault Canon on his chest, sending him in the air, only to come to rest against one of the many crates of weapons.

"Fun's over, finish him!!" Shouted Clarence to the sniper in the helicopter...Just then, bursts of fire rang out: It was Lewis and officer Rojano...They had both taken out the sniper and the helicopter pilot.

Robo, despite losing power fast, used the last of his remaining power to open his right leg, getting out his Auto 9, locked his target on Clarence Junior (gun still to the head of the hostage) and fired off...

The bullets tore through the skull of Clarence junior, rendering him lifeless in an instant.

A short life of crime just ended.

Officer Rojano rushed to see if the hostage was all right and Lewis went to a now slumped RoboCop...RoboCop motioned to her for help, got on one knee, his hand on her shoulder.

"Power failure imminent, Officer Lewis, I…"

Lewis looked at RoboCop with the affection she is unable to hide now, tears in her eyes. Their true love is evident in the moments when they fear losing each other.


The familiar face of the person that has been his support in this new existence is seen by RoboCop. His vision is blurred and faulty but he can still see her motioning towards him.

Lewis, although fearing the worst, still, gently tells him:

"They'll fix you, they fix everything"

-Malfunction, imminent shutdown-

Lewis observes Robo losing strength; she helps him sit on the floor, his back resting against a wall. Lewis holds his remaining hand shaking it, in desperation

“Please, partner don’t leave me, I need you!!”


Robo who is barely conscious, experiences something different. An unexpected kiss he feels on his human lips. A true demonstration of love that somehow gives him strength. He will be alright. He has been through worse.

Technicians from OCP are on their way, and even if he knows he will be offline in a few minutes, the last image on his mind will be the sweet face of Lewis, her long curly blond hair falling on his metallic shoulders and the heart-warming sensation of a human caress he had long forgotten what it felt like to experience.

The End

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