Warren Technical Center, Part II
Warren Technical Center, Part two.
(Rated R: Violence, Strong Language, Sexual Themes)
It was half past seven in the morning when Lewis stepped outside the motel room; fully suited up in her police uniform, bulletproof vest and helmet. Her Glock gun by her side. The other cops gathered on the parking area, some sitting in the cruisers, some standing outside.
Their mission was clear; they would drive to the technical center, where the S.W.A.T. Team had been monitoring all night. Lt. Hedgecock had made a call only 5 minutes ago for the cops to support the investigation of the area. Lewis walked up to the vehicle Murphy had parked nearby. RoboCop was already in the car.
“Hey partner.” She smirked and winked at RoboCop when she entered the passenger side. Murphy had the engine brought to life and immediately kicked the gas pedal, letting the cruiser race forwards, when Lewis had just closed the door.
He was in determination mode now, nearly fully ruled by his programs and computer systems. “Heard anything from Lt. Hedgecock since his last call any orders from his side?” Lewis looked over to him. He didn’t seem to be exerted or fierce, but just concentrated on his occupation, a flawless police officer on duty. “No.” was all he answered and Lewis rolled her eyes when she settled back on her seat. “You’re not very communicative this morning are you?” Murphy now, for the first time turned his head to meet her gaze. He still didn’t say anything, but he smirked at her when looking back at the road.
They arrived shortly behind the other cruisers; the first two vehicles driving to the center, between the buildings, the officers on the passenger seats were holding their guns, ready for the upcoming shooting.
RoboCop and Lewis’ unit and the other two cruisers stopped in front a big metal gate, surrounded by all kinds of signs, essentially informing about no trespassing, danger and other warnings.
The cops ignored the signs, walking up to the gate. RoboCop got out of the car and stood still for a second, while unlocking his gun from his leg compartment. Holding his Auto 9 right in front of him, he scanned the area with his computerized vision.
Before one of their fellow officers, could put a hand on the metal gate, he stepped forward, his surveillance system in alert. “Don’t touch it!” The cop froze immediately, pulling out his gun in front of him, looking to all sides. Lewis got out of the car as well, hiding behind it, using it as a shield, holding her gun over the roof of the car. “What is it Murphy, did you detect anyone or anything?”
RoboCop didn’t answer, instead he fired at the metal gate. The impact of his ammunition, let sparks fly from the gate, as it was secured with an electro sensitive protective device that would have sent high voltages through the cop who had been about to try and open the gate.
RoboCop had shot the device beyond repair; he then walked up to the gate and with a hard bash of his fist, unlocked it. “Good job Murphy, thank you for the warning”, the cop said, Murphy had stopped him from being electrocuted. RoboCop didn’t respond, just walked on, his gun ready in front of him, his targeting system scanning the area. Lewis followed him now, leaving her shelter. The other cops followed them through the gates.
The S.W.A.T. Team was on the other side; they had observed this area and sent their information to the cops who had just arrived via radio communication. The S.W.A.T. was inside the main building of the center, the other cops were to approach a big warehouse on their side, as the S.W.A.T. suspected the drugs being stored there or even produced there.
When they walked into the area near the warehouse, which was canopied by the material of an unfinished building that showed only metal framework around it, they suddenly heard the noise of someone shooting bullets. It sounded like an explosion, accompanied by numerous guns being discharged.
The cops turned to the direction where the sounds came from. RoboCop was scanning the area again, his system at full alert. “Get in touch with the officers in the other two vehicles.” he said and immediately one of their fellow officers tried to contact their colleagues via the radio communication that was installed within their helmets.
“The cruiser of Officer Lisa Kennley and Officer Ben Firce got was blown off, I repeat the cruiser of officer Kennley and officer Firce was blown off. We need back-up right now. Suspects have laid an ambush.” It was Officer Marc O’Brian making the call. Suddenly there was a second explosion.
“Officer O’Brian can you hear me. Officer O’Brian, confirm please. What has happened?” The cops were nervous. RoboCop had stepped forward. Lewis was right at his side now.
“Officers down. I repeat officers down. This is Lt. Hedgecock. Both cruisers were blown up. Stay where you are. S.W.A.T. Team taking over.” Lewis' put her hand on her in emotional shock when she heard the call, suddenly, she realised Murphy’s movements.
“Everybody get covered immediately!” RoboCop shouted, turning around pointing his gun up his shot was on target. A felon, who had been standing on the top of a metallic scaffold pole above them, aiming his incendiary weapon towards the cops, was struck by a bullet in his head and fell down to the floor.
Their accomplices showed up and a wild exchange of fire started. The cops were sheltering at once, to cover against the battle. RoboCop was standing in the middle of the field, his targeting system detecting one villain after another shooting them down afterwards, whilst their bullets splattered against his armor doing no harm to him.
Lewis was gazing at him in full admiration. Murphy clearly enjoyed the battle and meanwhile he aimed at the felon that was on his left side, he had previously targeted the perp behind him, he shot at both lawbreakers, without even turning around. RoboCop noticed how deeply impressed his partner was. 'Just like a superhero. He could easily take out all of them all by himself.' Lewis thought to herself.
The other cops who were staying covered, tried to shoot down some nearby villains and the floor was covered with corpses and blood almost immediately. RoboCop walked forward, still aiming on upcoming and approaching threats and it seemed there was an army hiding somewhere inside the building.
Suddenly they heard a massive explosion and when he turned to one side, he saw that almost three quarters of the building had been bombed away, the fragile structure impending to collapse. RoboCop overlooked the situation with his thermographic vision, realising that two of their fellow officers were standing nearby.
RoboCop: “Get away. The roof will come down at any minute.” An invader who had sneaked nearby, now made his move to attack RoboCop from behind with a heavy chain , however, the cyborg police officer quickly realised what was happening, he turned around in a matter of seconds, shooting the invader in the air, the bullets teared into the man’s chest, bursting his torso, ripping through his lungs. The man fell on the floor, choking in his own blood, struggling with his own death.
RoboCop stepped over the corpse, checking out on his fellow officers, just then the roof of the factory crashed down, swirling up a high amount of dust, making Robo’s vision blocked for a few seconds, before his programming could refocus again.
Just then he heard the panicked screams of his colleagues, he observed them running away from their shelter, a massive ED-209 unit approached them, shooting his automatic weapons at once, aiming one by one. Luckily he failed his targets.
Two officers were hit by a grazing shot and rolled over the floor, then they hid in shelter but as far as he could tell, no officers were killed. The enforcement droid walked towards RoboCop, his orders coming in a violent, imminent voice, threatening him to give up and surrender.
RoboCop was aware that obeying the orders of the relentless machine would surely end up in disaster. Still he wondered how it was possible that the ED-209 unit was attacking the cops instead of the suspects.
He assumes the perps must have had found a way to reprogram it for their own purposes. RoboCop now stood in front of the brutal machine; he noticed its guns aiming for his head and a missile being loaded to a launcher on top of his arm.
RoboCop held up his gun in front of him now, ordering the machine to put down its weapons and to surrender. The ED-209 stepped forward again, belligerent and growling at RoboCop like an angry, aggressive animal.
RoboCop: “So you choose trouble.”
ED-209 didn’t respond but directed the missile towards RoboCop who was violently hit and thrown back onto his back. His armor was dented and he noticed that he was losing some fluids. His computer programs started to run a complete check-up on his systems informing him, he was badly injured and was losing power. He got back up on his feet, while ED-209 came up towards him, while it used its arm to hit RoboCop hard, catapulting him through the air.
He landed hard and his servos twitched, when he tried again to get back on his feet. Lewis and the other cops where looking at the scene, however they were unable to help, as they had to deal with the invaders who had gathered in front of them again, shooting a high load of ammunition against them.
Lewis: “Stay covered everyone; we got to take these assholes down and get to help Murphy to fight against that monster.”
RoboCop heard the voice of his partner and realised that she was planning to support him in his fight against the dangerous machine, he was well aware; she wouldn’t stand a chance to survive if she presented herself in front of the machine.
Robo knew he had to be proficient enough take down the droid before she risked her life aiming to help him. He quickly stepped aside, when the droid started a new attack, firing his gun towards RoboCop’s head, he bent down to avoid the impact.
RoboCop quickly managed to get a hold onto the droid, pulling himself up on its back to be able to fire into the main compartment of the droid, where the important electronical control unit is. The droid tried to shake him off, but after the impact suffered into its CPU, ED-209 lost balance landing hard on its front part afterwards.
The computer system shut down and black smoke was coming from the droid. RoboCop climbed off the shattered machine and started to look at the situation, there were still a lot of invaders, attacking his fellow officers. The S.W.A.T team that was also involved was helplessly trying to take them down.
Lewis looked around her, while Murphy was terminating his antagonists, suddenly, she perceives a guy hiding behind some tanks, aiming a Gatling gun in Murphy’s direction. She knew that inaction would result in Murphy being shot from behind, without noticing the current threat as he was distracted by the other felons.
Lewis immediately abandoned her shelter, running fast, her gun stretched in front of her. “Murphy! Look out.” She screamed, drawing his attention towards her, he saw her running into the hiding invader, shooting at him frenetically, causing him to fire back at her.
RoboCop managed to get out of the line of fire, instantly firing his gun towards the threat, seeing Lewis roll herself over the floor, landing on her back. The perp was dead in an instant. The other cops took over the situation now. RoboCop walked towards his partner.
“Lewis!?” She was on the floor, writhing her body in pain, trying to cover her left shoulder with her hand which was covered in thick, dark blood.
“Lewis? Lewis don’t move. Keep calm.” RoboCop was by her side, kneeling down next to her, to examine her wound. He removed her hand from her shoulder, while she flinched away from his touch, wincing when he moved her slightly.
The blood was pouring from her wounded shoulder, the bullet stuck inside her. She was in enormous pain. “Murphy.” She stammered. “Murphy don’t .... worry about me .... you’ve got to take care of the villains. The drugs....” RoboCop bowed his head down towards her. “Keep quiet. Don’t move.” He carefully picked her up in his arms. She nearly screamed of the sudden intense pain that ran through her body.
He carried her away from the crime scene, bringing her back to the car, setting her into the passenger seat, kneeling down next to her. She groaned with pain, her eyes closed, hardly moving. Her shirt and protective vest were already covered in blood, 'She is losing a lot of blood. The bullet is still stuck in the wound.' he thought.
“Murphy, you’ve got to go. You’ve got to take out the gang, you’re their only chance. Without you the others are doomed. There are too many of them.” He looked at her, her face beaming in pain.
“Lewis I can’t leave you behind. You need medical help as soon as possible.” He pressed down his metallic hand on her shoulder, making her cringe at his touch and the pressure applied.
“I am sorry, but this is the only way of stopping you from losing more blood.” He looked at his hand, which was covered with her blood. “Murphy, I am feeling cold. I am scared.” 'She is in shock. It won’t be long now for her to lose consciousness.' He looked at her concerned. “Don’t be. It won’t hurt long.” She opened her eyes, to look at him. “Alex... I am dying.” He lowered down to her face now.
“No. I won’t let you. Hold on.”
RoboCop had called a medical chopper using his internal wireless internet access, just right after he had found his wounded partner on the floor. He could hear the sound of the chopper not far from them now.
“Anne?” She opened her eyes again, a tear running down her face now. “Get them for me Alex. Promise me” He nodded in return. “I promise.” He then kissed her lips and moved back a bit, still holding her hand in his while still performing pressure to her wounded shoulder. He scanned her vital signs, detecting that she was in no good state at all. She needed immediate treatment.
Just then the chopper arrived not far from them. The emergency team was rapidly heading towards the cruiser. RoboCop moved away for them to take care of her. He informed one of the paramedics about her physical state, he then took a last look at her, whilst she was being aided by the paramedics, before he turned around towards the crime scene again.
The S.W.A.T team and his fellow officers had entered the warehouse and the production center of the drug dealers. The leaders were nowhere to be seen. RoboCop could hear the firefight and took prompt action in unlocking his gun, walking into the warehouse.
His targeting system helped him find his fellow officers and members of the S.W.A.T team that were sheltered. “Hey you, look out, or you will be blasted by explosive weapon. These guys are military armed.”
RoboCop just walked past the officer, his heavy metallic footsteps bouncing on the stone floor underneath. “So am I.” He walked into a side hall, where he found long tables full of equipment to produce the drugs. They were all fully operating.
He couldn’t make out any of the perps there as there where several women working. When the people noticed the cyborg in the room, they started to scream in terror. “Ladies, please remain quiet. I will not harm you.” RoboCop said in a hard metallic voice, although some of the women were not convinced and seeked for shelter beneath the tables, hiding away sobbing and crying fearing the killing machine.
RoboCop moved on, his gun in target. Some of the cops and S.W.A.T team were following him. He heard that some men were taking charge of the women he left behind.
RoboCop turned and came to a wooden gate, which was locked. He banged against it a few times, when it finally crashed from the hits of his metallic fists, dust and splinters flew through the air, when he entered the room behind it.
There he found an armed gang of pirate splatterpunks, gathered around the room, on top floors and beneath, surrounding him from all sides, heavy military weapons on target. He scanned the room quickly, detecting that three men left the scenery immediately, and he could tell one of them was the new leader of the crime gang.
He recorded the face of the leader, when he slightly turned towards his direction, before leaving the room and disappeared. RoboCop tilted his gun and then switched to arrest mode. “Come quietly or there will be....trouble!” Heavy fire encountered him, bullets being shoot at his armor, leaving marks on the polished titanium chest.
Murphy ordered his following officers to remain behind him. “So you choose trouble.” He started targeting, then opening fire, shooting three men at once that fell down from the top floor above him. The next two were shot by him, right into their stomach, tearing their torsos open, their blood splattering onto the tables and on to the floor.
RoboCop was being shot hard from behind by a battle gun, RoboCop had problems maintaining balance. However, he managed to turn around and fire back at the perp, a bullet right into his head that made his brains and parts of the skull spill on the ground.
Another suspect threw a hand grenade at RoboCop, the impact made him crash against a concrete wall, while loads of scree material fell down on top of him. The remaining villains cheered, but not for long, when a mountain of rubble started to move and RoboCop stepped out, directly firing at the felons in front of him, the received impacts in one of them caused him to erratically walk and fire in circles, killing his own accomplices as a result.
Blood splattered around, RoboCop was enraged, it was the impotence to reorder in his mind the images of his partner being shot at, and he being unable to help her, what made RoboCop to act in blind rage toward the perpetrators. He had promised her to take the lawbreakers down and his human mind exhilarated everytime he took them down. One by one.
Finally the S.W.A.T team and his fellow officers entered the hall. RoboCop stood in the middle of the battle field, everything around him was destroyed and reduced to dust.
Lt. Hedgecock came towards him now; his team was spreading out to all directions, in order to check if someone survived the battle or if there were more threats. “You son of a bitch, robo-idiot! You’ve killed all of the suspects, now we have no suspects left for interrogation.”
RoboCop ignored Hedgecock as he twirled his gun just to put it inside his leg compartment and start walking away. “Hey you I am talking to you. Don’t you hear me? I am talking to you.” RoboCop stopped then, his back towards Lt. Hedgecock, answering him over his shoulder: “I recorded the suspected leader of the gang. The data will be sent to the Metro West criminal database.”
Then without any further explanations he walked away, leaving the facility, the S.W.A.T team and the other cops behind, he proceeded to make a call requesting more emergency units for the wounded and notifying the city morgue there were corpses that needed to be taken to the forensics.
RoboCop started the engine of his turbo cruiser to drive back to Metro West, with one single thought in his mind: To try to find out about Lewis’ physical condition.